Under Spanish Criminal Act, incurs in a stalking offence who insistently and repeatedly carries out, without being legitimately authorized, any of the following conducts and, in this way, alters the normal development of his daily life:

1.ª Watches her, pursues her or seeks her physical proximity.

2.ª Establishes or attempts to establish contact with her through any means of communication, or through third parties.

3.ª By means of the improper use of her personal data, acquires products or merchandise, or contracts services, or makes third parties contact her.

4.ª Attacks against his freedom or against his property, or against the freedom or property of another person close to him.

From the above precept,  established in article 173 ter Spanish Criminal Act, and from settled case- law, we can assert that one of the requirements that must be met is that the victim has to change her daily life, as a consequence of the insistent and repeated acts carried out by the stalker.

If such a requirement, is not met, stalking is not likely to have ocurred.

In this sense, Sit can be said that stalking is a «course of conduct,» meaning it involves repeated, continuous behavior, reason why the victin needs to change her daily routine.