
Alimony... until when? Interesting Judgment of the Audiencia Provincial (AP) of Barcelona handed down in the context of a proceeding for modification of measures, in which the parent obliged to alimony payment sought to reduce the maintenance allowance in favour of his daughter (600Euros/month). In order to prove a substantial change in circumstances, the claimant [...]


Vicarious violence.

We have discussed, in previous posts, about gender- based violence and what are some of the ways in which it is manifested. We also reviewed, briefly, the Ley Orgánica 1/2004, of 28th of December, on Comprehensive protection measures against gender- based violence (in force at the moment) and how, by applying it, the public [...]


Restriction order.

In a previous post, we briefly explained what gender- based violence is and what are some of the measures adopted by the public authorities to help prevent it. More concretely, we referred to some Articles present in the L.O 1/2004, 28th of December, which contain certain measures to help fight gender- based violence in the [...]


Gender- based violence. Restriction order

It is an uncontroverted fact that violence towards family members has increased steadily over the last years. In addition, it cannot be denied that one way in which such a violence may be manifested is in the relations between men and women engaged in relationships of affection. When violence takes place under such conditions, [...]

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