Debt collection in Spain: Unpaid invoices claim
Claiming debts in Spain: Unpaid invoices When is it possible to claim an unpaid invoice according to the Spanish legislation? An invoice is considered to be [...]
Alimony... until when? Interesting Judgment of the Audiencia Provincial (AP) of Barcelona handed down in the context of a proceeding for modification of measures, in which the [...]
Vicarious violence.
We have discussed, in previous posts, about gender- based violence and what are some of the ways in which it is manifested. We also reviewed, briefly, [...]
Restriction order.
In a previous post, we briefly explained what gender- based violence is and what are some of the measures adopted by the public authorities to help prevent [...]
Gender- based violence. Restriction order
It is an uncontroverted fact that violence towards family members has increased steadily over the last years. In addition, it cannot be denied that one way [...]